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Post High School Plans
Interested to see what Dane County Youth Apprentices do directly after high school? There are so many options and opportunities when it comes to YA, leading to more opportunities than you could imagine: "Oh the Places You'll Go!"

Class of 2024

William Elliott
Continue working to one day be a HVAC Technician
Anthony Ramos Flores
Attending UW Madison to major in Economics


Celeste Hayes
Become a Horse Trainer and Equine Massage Practitioner

Cheyenne Johnson
Attending UW-Platteville for Animal Science, and a Wisconsin FFA State Officer Candidate

Preston Blanch
Attending UW-Eau Claire to major in Music Education

Guadalupe Perez
Attending Madison College to become an automotive technician and continuing YA employment!

Cord Smith
Attending Madison College in the IT Front End Developer Program and continuing YA employment part time!

Hadja Barry
Attending UW Madison to major in Nursing

Lakia Kath
Attending Edgewood College to major in Nursing

Jun Lee
Attending Rice University to major in Economics and Business

Joey Lewis
Attending UW Madison to major in Life Sciences Communication and Wildlife Ecology
Quinn Conroy
Attending Arizona State University to major in Finance with a Real Estate Minor
Ellianna Kunze
Attending Minnesota State Mankato to major in Dental Hygiene

Maddie Mueller
Attending Winona State University to major in Business Administration and Marketing

Valery Vayserberg
Attending UW Madison to major in Economics and International Relations

Logan Griesbach
Taking over the family Lawncare and Landscaping company and utilize skills from his Welding YA in the process

Chloe Beranek
Attending Madison College to become a Surgical Technician
Nicholas Cappozzo
Attending UW Eau Claire to major in Business Finance

Riley Malecki
Attending UW Madison to major in Biochemistry with a Genetics minor, and continue with his YA employer!

Natalie Feagan
Attending Madison College with intent to transfer to UW-Madison to major in computer science.

Abby Sehmer
Attending UW Madison and continuing to work for YA Employer as a CNA!
Tayler Baker
Attending South Dakota State with an undecided major
Ellie Johnson
Attending Carroll University to major in nursing with a pre-anesthesiologist assistant emphasis

Olivya Lang
Attending North Park University in Chicago to major in Marketing and Sports Management, and play softball

Grace Morris
Attending UW Stevens Point to major in Marketing

Alyssa Parrell
Attending Southwest Technical College in Fenimore to major in Agribusiness Management and return to YA Employer!

Kaden Meinholdt
Attending UW La Crosse to major in Accounting

Nicholas Flaig
Attending Madison Area Technical College to major as an Automotive Technician to be an Auto Mechanic

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