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Sydney Schumacher
Class Of
UW Madison Department of Entamology
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)
What did you love about YA?
I loved my lab members and felt like a valued part of the team. Being a part of a research team was a very valuable experience for me and I learned that research was my passion. I also really enjoyed being able to learn new things every day and gain invaluable skills. I was able to travel and do field work, which I found I really enjoyed.
How did YA influence your plans after high school?
The YA program gave me an advanced skill set that set me apart from other students. It also affirmed my interest in research, ecology, and genetics. My sophomore year of high school I got an internship in a genetics lab because of my experience and now work at the lab. This summer I will be interning for NOAA in Miami.
What do you want others to know about YA?
The experience you gain from this opportunity is invaluable and will set you up for the rest of your career. The class that you take as a part of YAP gives you valuable skills that will help you in your internship and career. The students, teachers, coworkers, and mentors are supportive and kind.

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