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Makayla Ramberg
Class Of
Three Gaits Inc.
Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources
What did you love about YA?
I loved working with my coworkers every day! They had positive attitudes and knew what was best for the horses. They were great mentors when it came to teaching me about horse health and what it takes to run an agricultural business. I loved getting hands on experiences with the horses and getting the opportunity to take the leadership role on certain projects.
How did YA influence your plans after high school?
I have always had a passion for the agriculture industry and after taking the Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources YA program, it reassured me that I wanted to go to college for an Agribusiness Management degree and pursue a career within that area which I am currently still doing.
What do you want others to know about YA?
I want future YA students to know that the program you work with will set you off on the right path for your future whether it is preparing you for the next steps of college or the workforce. At your YA job, you will develop a great networking base that will be able to help guide you through your early career exploration!

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