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Casper Vang
Class Of
Hometown Pharmacy
Health Science
What did you love about YA?
During my time as an apprentice I worked for a local pharmacy. Some of my daily duties included filling out patient prescriptions, contacting insurance, and working the cash register at the drive through. I worked closely with the head pharmacist and other pharmacy technicians.
How did YA influence your plans after high school?
One of my most memorable experiences was learning under Bob Vernig alongside my small group of upcoming pharmacy techs. We would meet at the elementary school each week in Monona Grove and sit in those small classrooms. Bob taught us a lot of knowledge and prepared us to take the test for our licenses. My peers were also a very outgoing group and we had a lot of fun working together, and sharing our experiences from our workplaces.
What do you want others to know about YA?
Having a mentor greatly benefitted my experience because they were a role model that I could aspire to be like. In addition, they helped guide me to learn more about myself and what kind of career path I want to choose.

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